Camino Dreams

Las Herrerias to O’Cebreiro – 8.2kms (by horse!) We woke up at 7:30am and opened the windows in anticipation… to find it once again pouring with rain. My heart sunk a little, wondering whether my dream of riding the horses wouldn’t be a reality. All we could do was wait Continue Reading

A Whole New Journey

O’Cebreiro to Triacastela – 20.7kms Waking up, Riley’s first words were, “so, we ready to die?” Getting up and walking has become so routine now, I forget what it was like in those first couple of days, the fear of the unknown, the nerves and anxiety. I didn’t give him Continue Reading

Finding Balance

Triacastela to Sarria – 18.7kms A big topic of discussion amongst the pilgrims the previous night was which route to take, (the longer one via Samos or the shorter one via San Xil) and the forecast of rain all day. We had decided to do the shorter route based on Continue Reading