Finding the Beauty in an Adventure

Most people know I am not a morning person, so sunrise is not my friend. To watch the sun hit the Himalayas from Sarangkot though with a hope of clear skies, I would do anything. Besides, 4:30am could almost still be considered night time.

As we started up to the viewpoint at Sarangkot though, I knew I was not going to get the view I was hoping for. Despite being able to see stars, the smoky haze was also building.

It was already light by the time we arrived at the top at 5:30am, with plenty of people. When the sun tipped over the edge, it was beautiful, I was just sad that pollution is having such a negative impact on the full beauty of Nepal.


As with any tourist location, it had large crowds of people who were talking, smoking or jostling for that “perfect” shot, so there was no space to simply sit and take in the view in peace. I know I need to come back and come earlier so I can take it in while it is still dark, with the first fingers of light coming through and have some quiet time to just be (and hopefully time it for clear skies).

The temple at the top of Sarangkot was Shiva’s Temple and felt far more like a place of peace and beauty.

We had to head straight back down the mountain to be at home by 7am to pick up Jill and Sula to drive to Kushma. Sula was going to bungee jump at the second highest bungee jump in the world and I was tagging along for an opportunity to see a different area.

Despite Kushma only being 60kms away, again, due to Nepali roads, it was a 2hr 4WD-style trip, which amazingly, Sula slept through while we were bouncing around like we were in a washing machine.

When we arrived, I was so glad I had come, because the views were spectacular and I was walking across the longest suspension bridge I’d ever seen.

Although I wasn’t jumping, I was having breakfast while suspended. Jill had mentioned a picnic table and I didn’t think anything of it at the time. As we were walking across the bridge, I saw cable cars and I thought they must have been what Jill was talking about. How wrong I was.

I stared in horror at nothing more than an actual picnic table that we would be attached to and suspended over the drop below, while we were supposed to eat!

Jill looked at me and said “I’m sure I said picnic table” and I told her I didn’t realise that was a literal thing.

Jill and Sula

I wasn’t brave enough to lean over the sides and take a photo of the full drop below and Jill and Sula were under strict instructions not to swing. 😬

The area around all of this adventure, was actually lovely and calming. Maybe they have created this for a reason before someone jumps.

I have the greatest of honours of carrying photos of cherished loved ones to leave in Nepal. It was here I left a photo of Michael who tragically lost his life 11 years ago.

It was also here I left a heart for Bree. I carried these hearts on the Camino, leaving them along the way. I found I wanted to do this in Nepal also, which is why the day before I was leaving for Nepal and still not packed, I had to drive over an hr each way to Warburton where I had bought them originally to buy some more.

Soon, it was time for Sula to jump, while we cheered from the sides. They harnessed her up, she walked to the edge and jumped without any hesitation. I have to admire that level of bravery.

Half an hour after we left, I sat up with a start. I had realised I had left my sarong behind at the sky cafe. I felt heart broken. I know it seems silly to be so upset over something so minor, but I have carried that sarong on all of my travels for the last 6yrs, especially on the Camino. I could wrap that sarong around my neck and people would ask how I managed to look stylish on the Camino! I have to hope that someone else will get as much out of it as I have.

By the time we got home, I was really feeling the impact of being up at 4:30am and only 2hrs sleep the previous night. Another storm had descended, so after this settled, I went off in search of a meal known as Chatpat. By asking at a few restaurants, I finally found one who would make it, but it wasn’t as good as what I’d shared with my second family. I didn’t care by that point though, I just wanted to eat early and go to bed.

I needed to stop at the corner store on my way home. For 8 cents, I bought a 1Ltr bottle of water, a kit-kat and a roll of toilet paper. How is it we pay so much for items?

By 7pm, I was in bed and ready to sleep in an instant. This is the issue with early mornings!

Much love x

7 thoughts on “Finding the Beauty in an Adventure

  1. You are creating great memories not just for you but all of us who are travelling with you. Youre amazing i can hardly keep up with your prolific writings so interesting that I want to comment on so many things you do and say. I can relate to losiing a special piece of clothing especially when its a favourite and has been with you on so many travels. I lost a cardigan on my NZ cruise. Bree and Riley will be so proud of their adventurous Mum. love and big hugs xx

  2. I’m so enjoying your adventure Karen; you make me feel I’m there with you. Fabulous pics. Bree’s heart right amongst it. 💕💕I’m sorry to hear you lost your serong.
    Safe travels.

    1. I love hearing that. I have spent the last few days trying to teach the students about describing things.
      I had to apply for a trekking permit today and I had passport photos taken last week in Kathmandu and I was wearing my sarong in the photo and felt sad all over again.

  3. Not the sarong!!! Oh girl I remember it so well from the Camino. You did always look stylish when the rest of us were so scruffy. Beautiful views and I’m so glad you are still leaving hearts/pics. Beautiful ❤️.

    1. I know! 😭
      It did feel a very special day and writing on the heart again felt like home. xx

  4. What an amazing adventure you are having.
    Thank you for placing Michael’s photo overlooking the mountains. He would absolutely ❤️ that location.
    Hope you catch up on some sleep.
    Bree would be so proud of you, Karen, for all the things you have experienced and accomplished on this trip.
    Keeping you in my thoughts.
    Love Sheryl xo

    1. It was an honour to have Michael with me and I hope Bree and Michael both felt the thoughts I sent their way. xx

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