Remembering What it Feels Like to be Human

Villamayor de Monjardin to Sansol – 19kms

I think I woke up drunk on sleep. I couldn’t stop giggling at everything – Irish’s look of horror at having to be up at 6am (she’s not a morning person either), BC trying to be quiet but crashing into the ladder and me, looking down at my poor attempt at dressing. I had half a sleeve on and half my socks.

Last night there was a meditation for pilgrims, but I was feeling so tired, I went back to the room, sorted my bag and was in bed by the time everyone else arrived. 30 mins later, I was out cold and didn’t hear a thing until I woke up at 5:30am.

I actually thought I would be out and on the road before everyone this morning until the bells rang at 6am and everyone was up. At the time, I thought, oh how nice that they don’t ring the bells through the night to allow people to sleep, until Irish informed me (quite bluntly), that they did ring. All night. It was a great sleep for me clearly.

This is to prove I have been up at 6am two days in a row!

As Irish and I were getting ready to leave, thunder and lightning was crashing over us and it started to rain. We waited a bit, but gave up and went on our way, until I had to go back and get my headlamp and then again when Irish had to go back for hers!

Soon Irish was off and it was nice walking on my own until more and more people were passing by. My feet were once again beginning to really hurt and I was getting slower and slower. At one point, I was looking around and actually thought to myself, why am I doing this? I don’t even like walking!

I knew BC and Irish would be in Los Arcos, but I was struggling too much, so when I finally found some trees, I went and sat down, took my boots off and enjoyed a little picnic breakfast.

It was incredibly beautiful sitting there in the quiet, listening to the birds, watching the lightning in the distance and not having to think about anything. I didn’t want to leave. That short rest turned into a magical 45 minutes. This is what I imagined on the Camino.

When I started off again, I was completely refreshed, but that didn’t stop me from breaking in Los Arcos for Cafe con Leche and some calls home which was so nice.

I was lucky enough upon leaving Los Arcos to be walking with the snorkers. These are two hilarious ladies from Holland who were adapting the Dutch word for snorer “snurker” with the English word of snorer and calling themselves the snorkers. They made the 7km to my destination for the night in Sansol fly by.

The snorkers with Irish & BC in the background waiting for me to finally arrive.

Our accommodation is a fabulous little homestay, El Olivo del Sansol. I had a shower and felt deliriously happy. Managed to shave my legs and the towel that was provided covered my butt. Oh how easy I am to please right now!

I am feeling so good, I practically skipped to dinner. We all shrieked in excitement though when we walked inside and there was Ruth from Puerto Rico to greet us! We thought she was in the town behind us, but she put in a massive 30km day to end up in the same town. It was a very rowdy dinner with lots of laughs and a very sassy host.

I think I actually smiled walking up the hill back to our rooms. This is my Camino.

10 thoughts on “Remembering What it Feels Like to be Human

    1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the connections. Somehow you just seem to keep crossing paths which is lovely.
      I don’t know whether it is my smile or something else, but I keep getting these Spanish people coming up to me randomly and start saying things to me! It is just lovely.

  1. What a hoot you are finally having. Makes me so happy reading all of the goings on and after a very challenging sometimes horrible first week you look and sound like this is what you had in mind when you made the decision for Brees journey. loving reading every word you write makes me wish I was there. FOMO now Im not !!! because you are so fantastic at keeping us all entertained with gorgeous photos and wonderful descriptive words. Bag of hearts is fantastic and sharing what your friends write is amazing. big hugs lots love Pat xx

  2. Loving your posts. So entertaining. How are you liking your Lowe Alpine? Haven’t started training with mine yet, just doing a lot of walking right now. I am planning on my Camino next year around this time, so I am taking notes about your places and albergues.❤️💕

    1. Hey Judy,
      So, it is great for me in that I don’t feel the weight on my back at all. My feet less so!
      If you have a water bladder in it, it really doesn’t seem to be able to fit very much in it, and I know that’s the point, but also, you do need some clothes.
      It hurts a little under my arms, but I was having that issue with other bags too, so you may not. Has been easily fixed by using my sarong to provide some padding.
      Glad to hear you’re enjoying the posts though!

  3. Fantastic. Wonderful to have a band of friends you can have around you. Enjoy the picnics by yourself they are the best. Loving reading you blog , you write beautiful. Have a great day

    1. I need to plan a lunchtime picnic because I still haven’t drunk the wine in my bottle from the wine fountain! 🤣
      I’m so happy you’re enjoying the blog. Quite a compliment coming from you. xx

  4. Beautiful post, Karen. So happy that today was a great day for you. I think of you so often throughout my day and night, wondering where you are and what you’re seeing.
    You’re doing so well hun. Keep it up. Big hugs to you. xo

    1. I love looking back through my photos of the day because it all just takes my breath away.
      I hope you are all ok. xx

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